crisis header CRISIS

Do you need help right now?

Immediate Help

If you, or a loved one, are in immediate danger of hurting yourself or others, please get help immediately. Do one of the following:

Call 911

Go the nearest
Emergency Hospital

Cambridge Memorial Hospital
700 Coronation Blvd

Grand River Hospital
835 King St W

St Mary’s Hospital
911 Queen’s Blvd

Crisis Support

Here 24/7 at

for access to adult addictions, mental health and crisis services all day, every day and after hours children’s mental health crisis services.

Kids Help Phone at

is a national, bilingual and anonymous phone counselling and referral service for children and youth.

to 686868

to be connected to a trained Kids Help Phone Crisis Responder.

National Suicide Prevention Line at 988 or (800) 273-TALK (8255)

FRONT DOOR Children’s Mental Health

For access to children’s mental health and crisis services Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pm.

Please note: Front Door is NOT an emergency service. If you need help immediately follow the instructions under ‘Immediate Help’. Otherwise, take a look at our Quick Access services or Contact Us and we will respond within 2 business days.

"I wish I had come sooner. This was very helpful as we came up with a plan that will help. The staff were very kind, listened to me and created a safe, non-judgmental atmosphere. Thank you." Parent
