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We always endeavour to provide the best possible programs and services to individuals and families and want to hear about your experience with us. If you would like to offer some words of praise or thanks, click here and let us know. If you feel upset or are unhappy with our service, we encourage you to follow the following steps:

Handling Concerns & Dissatisfaction

Where a client has a concern about the service they are receiving, feel they are not being treated fairly, are not receiving the best possible service or have another concern, our staff need to know about this concern and are committed to resolving all complaints.

We welcome your feedback, positive or negative, and truly want to hear from you. A parent/caregiver or representative of a client may express concerns with respect to a service difficulty, or alleged violations of the client’s rights under the Child and Family Services Act or legislation under any government Ministry that funds one of our programs or services.

We are committed to ensuring that the complaints procedure is carried out in a timely fashion. There are times when more time may be needed to bring the necessary people together.


The first step to resolve complaints is for the client to talk with the staff member involved. If this does not bring resolution, the client should tell the Program Manager of their concerns. You can also put your concerns in writing and/or set a meeting with the Program Manager. A program Director may also be accessed at this point to attempt to resolve a concern.


If these conversations do not help you solve the concern, the next step is to put your concerns in writing and send them to Starling Community Services’ Chief Executive Officer. The CEO (or designate) will find out what can be done about your concern and will get back to you as quickly as possible with the results of their investigation and what can be done about your complaint. If you feel your concerns are still unresolved, concerns can go to Starling’s Board of Directors.

If your concerns cannot be addressed at the local level, you may contact the Office of the Child and Family Services Advocacy. At any time, you may submit your concerns in writing to the Ombudsman, Member of Parliament or the Prime Minister. Staff may not read this correspondence.

To complete our complaint form, please click here.
