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Is Service Access for me?

If you are:

  • a parent/caregiver of a child under 18 years old
  • a young person under the age of 12 with your parents’/caregiver’s consent
  • a young person aged 12 up to your 18th birthday (you can attend alone or with an adult if you wish)

…then our Front Door service access is for you. You are welcome to bring any significant/supportive person with you. Parents/caregivers are welcome to attend with or without their child. Everything discussed in Service Access sessions is confidential.

If you are 18 or over, please contact Here 24/7 for service.

What to expect from a session:

When you come to Front Door, we will:

  1. Listen to your situation, concerns and needs without judgement
  2. Ask questions so we are sure we understand
  3. Provide support and guidance
  4. Work with you to develop a plan for moving forward, and
  5. Provide information on community services and referrals to more intensive mental health treatment services at Starling Community Services (formerly Lutherwood).
To access Front Door, please call us to book an appointment.

"Our counselor was very helpful. It is very convenient to meet with someone so quickly and close to home. " Parent
